Noweb example programs

All but one of these examples have had their documentation parts converted automatically from LaTeX to HTML. (Can you tell which one?) Except for breakmodel, each example file is a fragment of a larger program.

The typical command line used to create one of these documents is:

noweave -filter l2h -index -autodefs c -html compress.nw > compress.html
for various values of c :-)

The example programs are:

A formal model of breakpoints using the Promela modeling language.
A library that modifies the open, close, read, and write system calls (along with some others) to transparently read and write files in Unix compress format. Graciously contributed by Matthias Blume
Fragment of an Icon program that compiles patterns into decision-tree pattern-matching code. tree.nw builds the decision trees; dag.nw turns them into dags.
Several graphs written in jgraph.
Part of the original MIPS code generator from Standard ML of New Jersey. Written in Standard ML.
noweb version of DEK's original prime-number program. I got tired of typing and never entered all the text.
Part of a student compiler project. Includes C code and lex and yacc specifications, all in a single file.
An equation solver, published in Software---Practice & Experience. The PostScript is probably easier to read.
A simple test file.
Fragment of an Icon program that compiles patterns into decision-tree pattern-matching code. tree.nw builds the decision trees; dag.nw turns them into dags.
An re-implementation of the example word-count program from Don Knuth's book on literate programming. This example is as exact a copy as possible; no attempt was made to improve the code. Here is a version without identifier cross-reference, which gives it a cleaner look. Here you can see a plain-text rendering of the noweb source.