import keywords as kw import word_iterator as wi import header as hd import color_print as cp class Counter: """ Class that analyzes a source code and counts word counts """ def __init__(self, filename, color_print=False, verb_char=None): self.word_iter = wi.WordIterator(filename) # source of words that will be analyzed if verb_char is not None: self.word_iter.add_separator(verb_char) self.verb_char = verb_char # used for inline verbatim text self.color_print = color_print # input text will be printed(with colors) self.printer = cp.Printer() self.regular_words_count = 0 self.header_words_count = 0 self.caption_words_count = 0 self.figure_float_count = 0 self.math_inline_count = 0 self.math_count = 0 self.all_headers = [] """ Three possible types of __context: 1) regular-text (implicit) 2) headers 3) captions """ self.__context = "regular-text" def run(self): """ Main method of the class Loads all words and initializes the analysis """ pair = while pair is not None and pair[0] != "\\bye": self.__process_word(pair) pair = if pair is not None: self.print_keyword(pair) self.print_irrelevant_word(("", "\n")) def print_result(self): """ Generates formatted output of the counter """ print("Text words summary: " + str(self.regular_words_count)) print("Header words summary: " + str(self.header_words_count)) print("Caption and notes words summary: " + str(self.caption_words_count)) print("Headers summary: " + str(len(self.all_headers))) print("Figure/float count: " + str(self.figure_float_count)) print("Inline math formulae count: " + str(self.math_inline_count)) print("Math formulae count: " + str(self.math_count)) print("Subcounts: (header-words-count + text-words-count + caption-words-count)") for header in self.all_headers: print(header) def print_counted_word(self, pair): """ Prints word that was counted. The color depends on category of the word. """ if not self.color_print: return if self.__context == "regular-text":[0]+pair[1]) elif self.__context == "header": self.printer.cyan(pair[0]+pair[1]) elif self.__context == "caption":[0]+pair[1]) def print_keyword(self, pair): """ Prints keyword - word with red color """ if not self.color_print: return[0]+pair[1]) def print_irrelevant_word(self, pair): """ Prints words that wasn't counted and are not important for our functionality, like commentary words etc... """ if not self.color_print: return self.printer.white(pair[0]+pair[1]) def __process_word(self, pair): """ Decides how to treat with word from argument """ if len(pair[0]) == 0 or pair[0] == "\n": # empty word or newline self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) elif pair[0] == "%": self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) self.__skip_commentary() elif pair[0] == "{": self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) self.__load_curly_brackets() elif pair[0] == "$": self.print_keyword(pair) self.__load_inline_formulae() elif pair[0] == "$$": self.print_keyword(pair) self.__load_formulae() elif self.verb_char is not None and pair[0] == self.verb_char: self.print_keyword(pair) self.__load_verbatim(self.verb_char) elif self.__is_keyword(pair[0]): self.__process_keyword(pair) else: self.__process_text_word(pair) def __process_keyword(self, pair): """ Treats with keywords. Calls action on known keywords that are important for the counter If keyword is unknown it is skipped """ word, arg = self.__split_keyword(pair[0]) self.print_keyword((word, '')) if arg is None: self.print_irrelevant_word(('', pair[1])) else: self.print_irrelevant_word((arg, pair[1])) if word == '\\tit': self.all_headers.append(hd.Header("title")) self.__load_header() elif word == '\\chap': self.all_headers.append(hd.Header("chapter")) self.__skip_brackets("[", "]") self.__load_header() elif word == '\\sec': self.all_headers.append(hd.Header("section")) self.__skip_brackets("[", "]") self.__load_header() elif word == '\\secc': self.all_headers.append(hd.Header("subsection")) self.__skip_brackets("[", "]") self.__load_header() elif word == '\\begitems': self.__load_list() elif word == '\\caption': self.__skip_brackets("[", "]") self.__load_caption() elif word == '\\fnote' or word == '\\fnotetext' or word == '\\mnote': self.__load_footnote() elif word in kw.keywords_list: if word in kw.floats_keywords: self.figure_float_count += 1 self.__read_arguments(word) elif word == '\\begtt': self.__skip_commentary() self.__load_verbatim() elif word == '\\verbchar' or word == '\\activettchar': # keywords with same functionality self.__set_verb_char(word, arg, pair[1]) elif word == '\\code': self.__load_code_verbatim() elif word in kw.logos: self.__load_logo(word, arg, pair[1]) else: pass # skip unknown keywords def __process_text_word(self, pair): """ Increases word counts based on the word location - word context """ # word with only one character that is not alphanumeric won't be counted as word if len(pair[0]) == 0: self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) elif len(pair[0]) == 1 and not pair[0].isalnum(): self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) elif self.__context == "regular-text": self.print_counted_word(pair) self.regular_words_count += 1 if len(self.all_headers): self.all_headers[-1].add_text_word() elif self.__context == "header": self.print_counted_word(pair) self.header_words_count += 1 self.all_headers[-1].add_header_word(pair[0]) elif self.__context == "caption": self.print_counted_word(pair) self.caption_words_count += 1 if len(self.all_headers): self.all_headers[-1].add_caption_word() @staticmethod def __is_keyword(word): """ Decides whether word is keyword or not """ if len(word) >= 3: if word[0] == '\\' and word[1].isalpha() and word[2].isalpha(): return True return False @staticmethod def __split_keyword(word): """ Splits word to two part - keyword and its argument For example: '\verbchar"' will be splitted into pair: '\verbchar', '"' """ for i in range(1, len(word)): if not word[i].isalpha(): return word[:i], word[i:] return word, None def __load_header(self): """ Loads header It reads the source code until new line occurs. In case of ^^J at the end of the line it reads until next new line occurs. """ orig_context = self.__context self.__context = 'header' pair = skip_new_line = False while pair is not None and pair[0] != "\\bye": if not len(pair[0]): self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) elif pair[0] == "\n": self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) if not skip_new_line: self.__context = orig_context return skip_new_line = False elif pair[0] == "^^J": self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) skip_new_line = True else: self.__process_word(pair) skip_new_line = False pair = self.__context = orig_context if pair is not None: self.__process_keyword(pair) def __load_list(self): """ Loads list - words that are surrounded by '\begitems' and '\enditems' """ pair = while pair is not None and pair[0] != "\\enditems": if pair[0] != "*": self.__process_word(pair) else: self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) pair = if pair is None: raise Exception("No list ending found - \\enditems") else: self.print_keyword(pair) def __load_caption(self): """ Loads caption - words until EOL """ orig_context = self.__context self.__context = 'caption' pair = while pair is not None and pair[0] != "\\bye": if pair[0] == "\n": self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) self.__context = orig_context return else: self.__process_word(pair) pair = self.__context = orig_context if pair is not None: self.print_keyword(pair) def __load_footnote(self): """ Loads footnote(block in curly brackets) """ orig_context = self.__context self.__context = 'caption' pair = if pair is None: raise Exception("No opening curly bracket found!") while len(pair[0]) == 0 or pair[0].isspace(): self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) pair = if pair[0] != "{": self.__context = orig_context self.word_iter.push_back(pair) return self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) self.__load_curly_brackets() self.__context = orig_context def __load_formulae(self): """ Loads math formulae($$ as separator) """ pair = while pair is not None and pair[0] != "$$": self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) pair = if pair is None: raise Exception("No end of math formulae found!") else: self.print_keyword(pair) self.math_count += 1 def __load_inline_formulae(self): """ Loads inline math formulae($ as separator) """ pair = while pair is not None and pair[0] != "$": self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) pair = self.math_inline_count += 1 if pair is None: raise Exception("No end of inline math formulae found!") else: self.print_keyword(pair) def __load_verbatim(self, ending="\\endtt", keyword_print=True): """ Reads words until ending(param) word occurs. These words are processed as regular word(not keywords etc...) """ pair = while pair is not None and ending != pair[0]: self.__process_text_word(pair) pair = if pair is None: raise Exception("Verbatim text not terminated!") else: if keyword_print: self.print_keyword(pair) else: self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) def __load_code_verbatim(self): """ In case of verbatim using "\code" keyword """ pair = while len(pair[0]) == 0 or pair[0].isspace(): self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) pair = if pair[0] != "{": raise Exception("\\Code must be followed be opening curly bracket('{')!") self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) self.__load_verbatim("}", False) def __load_logo(self, logo, arg, sep): """ Checks whether logo keyword is followed by slash etc... """ if arg != '/' or len(sep) > 0: pass elif self.__context == "regular-text": self.regular_words_count += 1 if len(self.all_headers): self.all_headers[-1].add_text_word() elif self.__context == "header": self.header_words_count += 1 self.all_headers[-1].add_header_word(logo) elif self.__context == "caption": self.caption_words_count += 1 if len(self.all_headers): self.all_headers[-1].add_caption_word() def __set_verb_char(self, word, arg, sep): """ Loads new character for inline verbatim """ if arg is not None and len(arg) == 1: self.verb_char = arg self.word_iter.add_separator(arg) elif arg is None and sep == '': pair = if len(pair[0]) != 1: raise Exception("Invalid use of " + word) else: self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) self.verb_char = pair[0] self.word_iter.add_separator(pair[0]) else: raise Exception("Invalid use of " + word) def __read_arguments(self, word): """ Loads from keywords file what arguments has got particular keyword from argument These arguments are skipped - not important for our purpose """ params = kw.keywords_list[word] for p in params: if p == "O": pass # this case is managed by '__process_keyword' method elif p == "W": self.__obligatory_argument() elif p == "S": self.__skip_brackets("[", "]") elif p == "P": self.__skip_brackets("(", ")") elif p == "C": self.__skip_brackets("{", "}") else: # unknown specifier - no argument expected pass def __obligatory_argument(self): """ Just reads another word. In case of the end of source file Exception is thrown """ pair = if pair is None or pair[0] == "\\bye": raise Exception("No obligatory argument found") self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) return pair def __load_curly_brackets(self): """ Loads block of source code in curly brackets """ pair = while pair is not None and pair[0] != "}": self.__process_word(pair) pair = if pair is None: raise Exception("No closing bracket ('}') found.") else: self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) def __skip_brackets(self, opening, closing): """ Skips block of source code in brackets opening-closing """ pair = bracket_count = 0 while True: if pair is None: raise Exception("No closing bracket ('" + closing + "') found.") elif pair[0] == opening: bracket_count += 1 self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) elif pair[0] == closing: bracket_count -= 1 self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) if bracket_count <= 0: if pair[0] != closing: self.word_iter.push_back(pair) break elif pair[0] != opening and pair[0] != closing: self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) pair = def __skip_commentary(self): """ Skips entire line """ pair = while pair is not None and pair[0] != "\n": self.print_irrelevant_word(pair) pair = self.print_irrelevant_word(pair)