# Makefile for lgrind, a LaTeX prettyprinter # $Id: makefile.dos,v 1999/05/13 13:02:55 mike Exp $ # You will possibly want to change this DEFSFILE=$(EMTEXDIR:\\=\\\\)\\\\texinput\\\\lgrind\\\\lgrindef # if you encounter problems with the last line, enter the path # directly; if all else fails, modify lgrind.c CC=bcc SOURCES=lgrind.c regexp.c regexp.h lgrindef.c lgrindef.h retest.c v2lg.c TEXFILES=lgrind.dtx lgrind.sty lgrind.ins CMDS=lgrind.exe OBJS=lgrind.obj regexp.obj retest.obj lgrindef.obj v2lg.obj HELPOPTION=-? # popen? pclose? This is DOS! #CFLAGS=-v -mc -Dpopen=fopen -Dpclose=fclose CFLAGS=-O2 -mc -Dpopen=fopen -Dpclose=fclose # Well, the DEFSFILE is still (semi-)fixed in the EXE... .c.obj: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DDEFSFILE="$(DEFSFILE)" -DHELPOPTION="$(HELPOPTION)" -c $< all: $(CMDS) lgrind.exe: lgrind.obj lgrindef.obj regexp.obj $(CC) $(CFLAGS) lgrind.obj lgrindef.obj regexp.obj v2lg: v2lg.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) v2lg retest: retest.c regexp.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) retest regexp