-- Package odsfile. Author Michal Hoftich -- This package is subject of LPPL license, version 1.3c -- module(...,package.seeall) local M = {} local zip = require "zip" local xmlparser = require ("luaxml-mod-xml") local handler = require("luaxml-mod-handler") local namedRanges = {} function load(filename) -- add support for -reader command line option -- we must open the file and close it immediatelly local f = io.open(filename, "r") f:close() local p = { file = zip.open(filename), content_file_name = "content.xml", loadContent = function(self,filename) local treehandler = handler.simpleTreeHandler() -- treehandler.options.noReduce = {["table:table-cell"]=true, ["text:p"]=true} local filename = filename or self.content_file_name local xmlfile = self.file:open(filename) local text = xmlfile:read("*a") local xml = xmlparser.xmlParser(treehandler) xml:parse(text) return treehandler end } return p end function getTable(x,table_name) local t = getTable0(x,table_name) local t2 = {} for key, val in pairs(t) do if key == "table:table-row" then local rows = {} if #val == 0 then val = {val} end for i = 1, #val do local r = val[i] local rattr = r["_attr"] or {} local rowRep = rattr["table:number-rows-repeated"] or 1 row = {} row["_attr"] = r["_attr"] local cc = r["table:table-cell"] or {} if #cc == 0 then cc = {cc} end local columns = {} --for j = 1, #cc do -- local c = cc[j] for _, c in ipairs(cc) do c["_attr"] = c["_attr"] or {} local colRep = c["_attr"]["table:number-columns-repeated"] or 1 for k = 1, colRep, 1 do table.insert(columns, c) end end row["table:table-cell"] = columns for j = 1, rowRep, 1 do table.insert(rows, row) end end t2[key] = rows else t2[key] = val end end return t2 end function getTable0(x,table_name) local tables = x.root["office:document-content"]["office:body"]["office:spreadsheet"]["table:table"] namedRanges = loadNameRanges(x, table_name) if #tables > 1 then if type(tables) == "table" and table_name ~= nil then for k,v in pairs(tables) do if(v["_attr"]["table:name"]==table_name) then return v, k end end elseif type(tables) == "table" and table_name == nil then return tables[1], 1 else return tables end else return tables end end function getColumnCount(tbl) local tbl = tbl or {} local columns = tbl["table:table-column"] or {} local x = 0 for _, c in pairs(columns) do local rep = c["table:number-columns-repeated"] or 1 x = x + rep end return x end function loadNameRanges(root, tblname) local tblname = tblname or "" local t = {} local ranges = root.root["office:document-content"]["office:body"]["office:spreadsheet"]["table:named-expressions"] if not ranges then return {} end ranges = ranges["table:named-range"] or {} if #ranges == 0 then ranges = {ranges} end for _,r in ipairs(ranges) do local a = r["_attr"] or {} local range = a["table:cell-range-address"] or "" local name = a["table:name"] if name and range:match("^$?"..tblname) then range = range:gsub("^[^%.]*",""):gsub("[%$%.]","") print("named range", name, range) t[name] = range end end return t end function tableValues(tbl,x1,y1,x2,y2) local t= {} local x1 = x1 or 1 local x2 = x2 or getColumnCount(tbl) if type(tbl["table:table-row"])=="table" then local rows = table_slice(tbl["table:table-row"],y1,y2) for k,v in pairs(rows) do -- In every sheet, there are two rows with no data at the bottom, we need to strip them if(v["_attr"] and v["_attr"]["table:number-rows-repeated"] and tonumber(v["_attr"]["table:number-rows-repeated"])>10000) then break end local j = {} if #v["table:table-cell"] > 1 then local r = table_slice(v["table:table-cell"],x1,x2) for p,n in pairs(r) do local attr = n["_attr"] local cellValue = n["text:p"] or "" table.insert(j,{value=cellValue,attr=attr}) end else local p = {value=v["table:table-cell"]["text:p"],attr=v["table:table-cell"]["_attr"]} table.insert(j,p) end table.insert(t,j) end end return t end function join(tbl1, tbl2) for _, x in ipairs(tbl2) do tbl1[#tbl1+1] = x end return tbl1 end function getRange(range) if range == nil then return {{nil,nil,nil,nil}} end local range = namedRanges[range] or range local r = range:lower() local function getNumber(s) if s == "" or s == nil then return nil end local f,ex = 0,0 for i in string.gmatch(s:reverse(),"(.)") do f = f + (i:byte()-96) * 26 ^ ex ex = ex + 1 end return f end local ranges = {} for x1,y1,x2,y2 in r:gmatch("(%a*)(%d*):*(%a*)(%d*)") do ranges[#ranges+1] = {getNumber(x1),tonumber(y1),getNumber(x2),tonumber(y2)} --print(string.format("%s, %s, %s, %s",getNumber(x1),y1,getNumber(x2),y2)) end return ranges end function table_slice (values,i1,i2) -- Function from http://snippets.luacode.org/snippets/Table_Slice_116 local res = {} local n = #values -- default values for range i1 = i1 or 1 i2 = i2 or n if i2 < 0 then i2 = n + i2 + 1 elseif i2 > n then i2 = n end if i1 < 1 or i1 > n then return {} end local k = 1 for i = i1,i2 do res[k] = values[i] k = k + 1 end return res end function interp(s, tab) return (s:gsub('(-%b{})', function(w) s = w:sub(3, -2) s = tonumber(s) or s return tab[s] or w end) ) end function escape(s) if latexescape=="true" then return string.gsub(s, "([%\\]?)([#%%%$&_%{%}%\\|])", function(a,b) if a=="" then if b == "\\" then return "\\textbackslash{}" elseif b == "|" then return "\\textbar{}" else return "\\"..b end elseif a=="\\" and b=="\\" then return "\\textbackslash\\textbackslash{}" end end) else return s end end get_link = function(val) local k = val["text:a"][1] local href = val["text:a"]["_attr"]["xlink:href"] return "\\odslink{"..href.."}{".. escape(k).."}" end function get_cell(val, delim) local val = val or "" local typ = type(val) if typ == "string" then return escape(val) elseif typ == "table" then if val["text:a"] then return get_link(val) elseif val["text:span"] then return get_cell(val["text:span"], delim) elseif val["text:s"] then -- return get_cell(val["text:s"], delim) return escape(table.concat(val, " ")) else local t = {} for _,v in ipairs(val) do local c = get_cell(v, delim) table.insert(t, c) end return table.concat(t,delim) end end end -- Interface for adding new rows to the spreadsheet function newRow() local p = { pos = 0, cells = {}, -- Generic function for inserting cell addCell = function(self,val, attr,pos) local attr = attr or {} if pos then table.insert(self.cells,pos,{["text:p"] = val, ["_attr"] = attr}) self.pos = pos else self.pos = self.pos + 1 table.insert(self.cells,self.pos,{["text:p"] = val, ["_attr"] = attr}) end end, addString = function(self,s,attr,pos) local attr = attr or {} attr["office:value-type"] = "string" self:addCell(s,attr,pos) end, addFloat = function(self,i,attr,pos) local attr = attr or {} local s = tonumber(i) or 0 s = tostring(s) attr["office:value-type"] = "float" attr["office:value"] = s self:addCell(s,attr,pos) end, findLastRow = function(self,sheet) for i= #sheet["table:table-row"],1,-1 do if sheet["table:table-row"][i]["_attr"]["table:number-rows-repeated"] then return i end end return #sheet["table:table-row"]+1 end, insert = function(self, sheet, pos) local t = {_attr = {}} local pos = pos or self:findLastRow(sheet) print("pos je: ",pos) if sheet["table:table-column"]["_attr"] and sheet["table:table-column"]["_attr"]["table:number-columns-repeated"] then table_columns = sheet["table:table-column"]["_attr"]["table:number-columns-repeated"] else table_columns = #sheet["table:table-column"] end for i=1, table_columns do table.insert(t,self.cells[i] or {_attr={}}) end t = {["table:table-cell"]=t, _attr = {}} table.insert(sheet["table:table-row"],pos,t) end } return p end -- function for updateing the archive. Depends on external zip utility function updateZip(zipfile, updatefile) local command = string.format("zip %s %s",zipfile, updatefile) print ("Updating an ods file.\n" ..command .."\n Return code: ", os.execute(command)) end function save(filename, content) local f = io.open(filename, "w") f:write(content) f:close() end M.load= load M.loadContent = loadContent M.getTable= getTable M.getTable0= getTable0 M.getColumnCount= getColumnCount M.loadNameRanges= loadNameRanges M.tableValues= tableValues M.join = join M.getRange= getRange M.getNumber= getNumber M.table_slice = table_slice M.interp= interp M.get_link =get_link M.escape= escape M.get_cell= get_cell M.newRow= newRow -- Generic for inserting cell M.addCell = addCell M.addString = addString M.addFloat = addFloat M.findLastRow = findLastRow M.insert = insert -- for updateing the archive. Depends on external zip utility M.updateZip= updateZip M.save = save return M