This is `rumakeindex', a wrapper for `makeindex' which allows one to
get properly sorted index when Russian letters are used in index
entries. It is part of the T2 package.

You will need:

1) LaTeX setup based on a T2 package.

2) MAKEINDEX utility which does not have problems with 8-bit characters.
   mkidx32.exe in a emTeX distribution is Ok, as well as makeindex
   from web2c distribution.

3) SED binary. It is available on any UNIX box. For DOS you can find
   it at

   Copy `sed.exe' to a directory contained in %PATH% environment

   Under UNIX, the `tr' utility is also used. It is emulated via the
   `y' SED command in the DOS scripts.

4) The `rumakeindex' script (or batch file `rumkidxd.bat' under DOS,
   or `rumkidxw.bat' under Windows).

If you are using the T2 package and are making indices with russian
letters, then run `rumakeindex' (or `rumkidxd.bat' under DOS, or
`rumkidxw.bat' under Windows) instead of `makeindex' (or `mkidx32.exe'
under DOS).

If you are using emTeX under DOS, copy *.sed files to `\emtex\data'
directory, and copy `*.bat' files to `\emtex\bin' directory.

If you are using UNIX, copy the `rumakeindex' shell script to
e.g. `/usr/local/bin' directory.

Note: the encoding of generated .ind files is:

  koi8-r for `rumakeindex'  (UNIX)
  cp866  for `rumkidxd.bat' (MS-DOS)
  cp1251 for `rumkidxw.bat' (MS-Windows)

If you need some other encoding, just change the encoding of scripts.