-- gitinfo-lua.lua -- Copyright 2024 E. Nijenhuis -- -- This work may be distributed and/or modified under the -- conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c -- of this license or (at your option) any later version. -- The latest version of this license is in -- http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX -- version 2005/12/01 or later. -- -- This work has the LPPL maintenance status ‘maintained’. -- -- The Current Maintainer of this work is E. Nijenhuis. -- -- This work consists of the files gitinfo-lua.sty gitinfo-lua.pdf -- gitinfo-lua-cmd.lua, gitinfo-lua-recorder.lua and gitinfo-lua.lua if not modules then modules = {} end local module = { name = 'gitinfo-lua', info = { version = '1.2.0', --TAGVERSION date = '2024/09/14', --TAGDATE comment = "Git info Lua — Git integration with LaTeX", author = "Erik Nijenhuis", license = "free" } } modules[module.name] = module.info local api = { cur_tok = nil, cmd = require('gitinfo-lua-cmd'), escape_chars = { ['&'] = '\\&', ['%%'] = '\\%%', ['%$'] = '\\$', ['#'] = '\\#', ['_'] = '\\_', ['{'] = '\\{', ['}'] = '\\}', ['~'] = '\\textasciitilde ', ['%^'] = '\\textasciicircum ', ['\n'] = ' ' } } local mt = { __index = api, __newindex = nil } local gitinfo = {} setmetatable(gitinfo, mt) local luakeys = require('luakeys')() function api.trim(s) return s and (s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")) or 'nil' end function api:set_date() local date, err = self.cmd:log('cs', '-1', { 'max-count=1' }) if date and #date == 1 then local _, _, year, month, day = date[1][1]:find('(%d+)[-/](%d+)[-/](%d+)') tex.year = tonumber(year) tex.month = tonumber(month) tex.day = tonumber(day) else return nil, (err or 'Length of output doesn\'t match one (attempt to set git date)') end end function api:escape_str(value) local buf = string.gsub(value, '\\', '\\textbackslash ') buf = string.gsub(buf, "\n%s*\n+", "\\par ") for search, replace in pairs(self.escape_chars) do buf = string.gsub(buf, search, replace) end return buf end function api:dir(path) self.cmd.cwd = path end function api:dir_to_root() local toplevel, err = self.cmd:exec('rev-parse --show-toplevel', false, nil, true) if toplevel then self.cmd.cwd = self.cmd.trim(toplevel) else tex.error(err) end end function api:version() return self.trim(self.cmd:exec('describe --tags --always', true)) end function api:write_version() local version, err = self:version() if version then tex.write(version) else tex.error(err) end end function api:is_dirty() local files_changed, _ = self.cmd:exec('status --porcelain=1', true) return files_changed and #files_changed > 0 end function api:write_is_dirty() if self:is_dirty() then tex.write('1') else tex.write('0') end end -- todo: prevent output to stderr -- todo: add write variant -- experimental function api:is_tag() local ok, _ = self.cmd:exec('describe --tags --exact-match') return ok == nil end function api:local_author() return self.trim(self.cmd:exec('config user.name', true)) end function api:write_local_author() local name, err = self:local_author() if name then tex.write(name) else tex.error(err) end end function api:local_email() return self.trim(self.cmd:exec('config user.email', true)) end function api:write_local_email() local name, err = self:local_email() if name then tex.write(name) else tex.error(err) end end function api:authors(sort_by_contrib) local authors, err = self.cmd:shortlog(sort_by_contrib, true) if authors then local author_list = {} for line in authors:gmatch('(.-)\n') do local contributions, name, email = line:match("^%s-(%d+)%s-(.-)%s-<(.-)>%s-$") table.insert(author_list, { contributions = contributions, name = name, email = email }) end return author_list else return nil, err end end function api:cs_for_authors(csname, conjunction, sort_by_contrib) if token.is_defined(csname) then local tok = token.create(csname) local authors, err = self:authors(sort_by_contrib) if authors then local next_conj for _, author in ipairs(authors) do if next_conj then tex.print(next_conj) end next_conj = conjunction tex.print(tok, '{' .. self:escape_str(self.trim(author.name)) .. '}', '{' .. self:escape_str(self.trim(author.email)) .. '}') end else tex.error(err) end else tex.error('ERROR: ' .. csname .. ' not defined') end end function api:cs_commit(csname, rev, format) if token.is_defined(csname) then local tok = token.create(csname) local log, err = self.cmd:log(format, rev, { 'max-count=1' }) if log then if #log == 1 then tex.print(tok) for _, value in ipairs(log[1]) do tex.print('{' .. self:escape_str(value) .. '}') end else texio.write_nl('Warning: commit returned none') end else tex.error('ERROR: ' .. (err or 'nil')) end else tex.error('ERROR: ' .. csname .. ' not defined') end end function api:cs_last_commit(csname, format) return self:cs_commit(csname, '-1', format) end local parse_commit_opts = luakeys.define({ rev_spec = { pick = 'string' }, files = { data_type = 'list' }, cwd = { data_type = 'string' }, flags = { sub_keys = { merges = { data_type='boolean', exclusive_group='merges' }, ['no-merges'] = { data_type='boolean', exclusive_group='merges' } } } }) local function parse_flags(flags_table) local t = {} if flags_table then for k,v in pairs(flags_table) do if v then table.insert(t, k) end end end return t end function api:cs_for_commit(csname, args, format) if token.is_defined(csname) then local tok = token.create(csname) local opts = parse_commit_opts(args) -- Something is going wrong with the parsing of rev_spec with pick, which ends up to be missing. -- This is a workaround to ensure the old API would still work. -- This will be fixed after luakeys version >0.13.0 if type(opts.rev_spec) ~= 'string' then local i = string.find(args, ',') if i then opts.rev_spec = string.sub(args, 1, i-1) else opts.rev_spec = args end else opts.rev_spec = string.gsub(opts.rev_spec, '[\'"]', '') end local log, err = self.cmd:log(format, opts.rev_spec, parse_flags(opts.flags), opts.cwd, opts['files']) if log then for _, commit in ipairs(log) do tex.print(tok) for _, value in ipairs(commit) do tex.print('{' .. self:escape_str(value) .. '}') end end else tex.error('ERROR: ' .. err) end else tex.error('ERROR: ' .. csname .. ' not defined') end end function api:tag_info(format_spec, tag, target_dir) local err, info info, err = self.cmd:for_each_ref(format_spec, 'refs/tags', { 'count=1', 'contains=' .. tag }, target_dir) if info and #info == 1 then return info[1] else tex.error(err or 'Result count didn\'t match. (in tag_info)') end end function api:tags(target_dir) local tag_list = {} local tags, err = self.cmd:exec('tag -l --sort=-v:refname', true, target_dir) if tags then for tag in tags:gmatch('(.-)\n') do table.insert(tag_list, self.trim(tag)) end else return nil, err end return tag_list end function api:cs_tag(csname, format_spec, tag, target_dir) if token.is_defined(csname) then local tok = token.create(csname) local info = self:tag_info(format_spec, tag, target_dir) if info then tex.print(tok) for _, value in ipairs(info) do tex.print('{' .. self:escape_str(value) .. '}') end end else tex.error('ERROR: ' .. csname .. ' not defined') end end function api:cs_for_tag(csname, format_spec, target_dir) if token.is_defined(csname) then local tok = token.create(csname) local tags, err = self.cmd:for_each_ref(format_spec, 'refs/tags', { 'sort=-authordate' }, target_dir) if tags then for _, info in ipairs(tags) do tex.print(tok) for _, value in ipairs(info) do tex.print('{' .. self:escape_str(value) .. '}') end end else tex.error('ERROR: ' .. err) end else tex.error('ERROR: ' .. csname .. ' not defined') end end function api:cs_for_tag_sequence(csname, target_dir) if token.is_defined(csname) then local tok = token.create(csname) local seq, err = self:tags(target_dir) if seq then for idx, tag in ipairs(seq) do if idx < #seq then local next = seq[idx + 1] tex.print(tok, '{' .. tag .. '}{' .. next .. '}{' .. tag .. '...' .. next .. '}') else tex.print(tok, '{' .. tag .. '}{}{' .. tag .. '}') end end else tex.error('ERROR: ' .. (err or 'Unknown error')) end else tex.error('ERROR: ' .. csname .. ' not defined') end end return gitinfo