StrukTeX - Drawing of Nassi-Shneidermann Structured Box Charts ============================================================== The LaTeX package `StrukTeX` provides macros for the generation of Nassi-Shneidermann structured box charts. The package consists of six files: * `` - this file * `` - this file in an german version * `struktex.dtx` - the source code of the package with an integrated bilingual documentation * `struktex.ins` - the installation script Installation ------------ With tex struktex.ins several additional files are created: * `struktex.sty` - the actual package * `struktex.el` - a style file for use with AUCTeX * `strukdoc.sty` \ * `struktxf.sty` | * `struktxp.sty` | * `struktex-test-0.nss` |- Files for formatting the * `struktex-test-1.tex` | documentation * `struktex-test-2.tex` | * `struktex-test-3.tex` | * `struktex-test-4.tex` / * `struktex.makemake` - script for creating a `Makefile` file from the file * `` With pdflatex "\def\primarylanguage{english}\input{struktex.dtx}" makeindex -s struktex.idx pdflatex "\def\primarylanguage{english}\input{struktex.dtx}" pdflatex "\def\primarylanguage{english}\input{struktex.dtx}" the formatted English-language documentation is generated. Finally, the files `struktex.sty`, `struktxf.sty`, `struktxp.sty`, `struktex.el` (emacs-AUCTeX-support) as well as `struktex.pdf` have to be copied into the usual directories. For the formatting of the documentation, besides the mentioned files the following packages are required: * `color` * `hyperref` * `ifthen` * `nameref` * `pict2e` (empfohlen) oder `curves` oder `emlines` * `url` Further information can be found in the documentation. I take notes for mistakes as well as suggestions for the further Development gladly under j.hoffmann | at | This material issubject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See To details of this license.