Frequently Asked Questions

Numeric field input

Sometimes the input of longer numbers is required. Freeform text cannot be used so that other methods are necessary. The method presented here is a field of checkboxes, but further options may exist depending on the solution:

  • Use of a unique questionnaire ID and be careful when handing out the questionnaire

  • Codeboxes, i.e. text fields where a barcode sticker is placed

In this example, each digit of an 8 digit number is asked for using an optiongroup environment.

\begin{optiongroup}[vertical]{Please enter the 8 digit number}
  % Set the value as it would be 1 based otherwise, so we can just
  % use it directly from the data export

\begin{optiongroup}[vertical]{Please enter the 8 digit number}
  % Set the value as it would be 1 based otherwise, so we can just
  % use it directly from the data export

Using optiongroup to input longer numbers

How can one use images?

The normal LaTeX commands will work as usual. As the image needs to be available during and after the setup step of SDAPS extra steps will be required though. The basic problem is that the given LaTeX file is copied into a new directory and the images may not be available then. The following ways exist to deal with this:

  1. Copy all images by passing –add for each image

  2. Place all images into a directory and use –add on the directory

The second option is a good strategy if you have more images. In the example below a directory called images is used which has one file called sdaps.png. The \graphicspath command is used so that the image can be refered to by its filename rather than the full relative path.

The SDAPS logo for the website is \raisebox{-0.8cm}{\includegraphics[width=2cm]{sdaps.png}}.
Required code in preamble:
% Do not add a leading ./ as that will cause issues under some conditions!

The SDAPS logo for the website is \raisebox{-0.8cm}{\includegraphics[width=2cm]{sdaps.png}}.

Using `graphicx` together with `\\graphicspath` to place images into a subdirectory

With that done, you need to run the following to setup the project

$ sdaps setup tex PROJECT_DIR questionnaire.tex --add images

Adjusting corner mark positions

It is possible to adjust the positions of the corner marks. Currently this needs to be done manually. You can override the positions and also update the default page margins using code like the following in the preamble.

This requires SDAPS version 1.9.10 or later.

% Re-define the default margins (10mm -> 12mm, 12mm -> 15mm)
\dim_gset:Nn \g_sdaps_edge_left_margin_dim { 12mm }
\dim_gset:Nn \g_sdaps_edge_right_margin_dim { 12mm }
\dim_gset:Nn \g_sdaps_edge_top_margin_dim { 15mm }
\dim_gset:Nn \g_sdaps_edge_bottom_margin_dim { 15mm }

% Modify the top, bottom and left/right margins, these should be 2mm larger