Source: filecontentsdef.dtx (v1.5 2019/09/29) Author: Jean-Francois Burnol Info: filecontents + macro + verbatim License: LPPL 1.3c Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Jean-Francois Burnol. ABSTRACT ======== This lightweight LaTeX2e package provides an environment `filecontentsdef` which is like the `filecontents` environment of Scott Pakin's [filecontents] [1] package but in addition to the file creation stores the (verbatim) contents into a macro given as an additional argument (either as a control sequence or as a name). Displaying verbatim these contents is possible via `\filecontentsprint`, and executing them (if they represent LaTeX code) via `\filecontentsexec`. A variant environment `filecontentsdefmacro` stores the contents into a macro, but skips the save-to-a-file part. [1]: "filecontents package" CHANGE LOG ========== v1.5 \[2019/09/29\] ------------------- - `\filecontentsexec` does not forcefully reset `\newlinechar` to its LaTeX default after execution. - `\FCD@` as prefix for internal non public macros. - drop usage of the legacy LaTeX mechanism which issued a warning in case of a form feed or horizontal tabulation character in the parsed contents. - make handling of the tabulation and form feed characters customizable. - treat especially the case when the `\end{filecontents...}` is not on a line of its own. - add `filecontentsdefstarred` (et al.) as alias for `filecontentsdef*` (et al.) for easying up encapsulation in wrapping environments. - breaking change: `filecontentsdef` and `filecontentsdefmacro` define a macro obeying the local scope. Use `filecontentsgdef`, resp. `filecontentsgdefmacro` for definitions with global scope. - make the name of the environment used by `\filecontentsprint` customizable (it defaults to `verbatim`) and allow to pass options to it; has been tested with `fancyvrb` and `minted`. - add `\filecontentsprintviascan` which allows to use verbatim-like environment such as `listings` which are incompatible with `\filecontentsprint`. v1.4 \[2019/04/20\] ------------------- - backport 2018/04/01 LaTeX release change to filecontents environment (`^^L` and `^^I` definitions). - add `filecontentsdefmacro` environment. - extend `filecontentsdef` and `filecontentsdefmacro` environments as well as `\filecontentsprint` and `\filecontentsexec` macros to accept indifferently either a control sequence or a name as argument. - refactor documentation, explain how to define wrapper environments. v1.2 \[2016/09/19\] ------------------- Initial version. LICENSE ======= This Work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c. This version of this license is in > and the latest version of this license is in > and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. The Author of this Work is: - Jean-Francois Burnol `` This Work consists of the main source file filecontentsdef.dtx and its derived files filecontentsdef.sty, filecontentsdef.pdf, filecontentsdef.dvi,,, README, INSTALL.