Serbian Language Module for datetime2 CTAN Package ================================================== **Current maintainer:** Andrej Radović **Authors:** Andrej Radović (, Nicola L. C. Talbot (inactive) **Licence:** LPPL **Required Packages:** `datetime2`, `tracklang` Styles ------ This module provides the following styles: ### Latin: * serbian - regionless style * sr-Latn - Serbian, Serbia * sr-Latn-RS - Serbian, Serbia * sr-Latn-ME - Serbian, Montenegro * sr-Latn-BA - Serbian, Bosnia and Herzegovina ### Cyrillic * serbianc - regionless style * sr-Cyrl - Serbian, Serbia * sr-Cyrl-RS - Serbian, Serbia * sr-Cyrl-ME - Serbian, Montenegro * sr-Cyrl-BA - Serbian, Bosnia and Herzegovina Notes: ------ The regional settings still don't work, but `serbian` and `serbianc` work just fine. The package is still in development. Example usage: -------------- ### Generic w/ `babel` \documentclass{article} \usepackage[serbian]{datetime2} \begin{document} \today \end{document} ### Generic w/ `babel` \documentclass[serbian]{article} \usepackage{babel} \usepackage[useregional]{datetime2} \begin{document} \today \end{document} ### Generic w/ `polyglossia` \documentclass{article} \usepackage{polyglossia} \setmainlanguage{serbian} \usepackage[serbian]{datetime2} \begin{document} \today \end{document} Installation ------------ Extract the language definition files first: Run LuaLaTeX over the file `datetime2-serbian.ins`: lualatex datetime2-serbian.ins Move all `*.ldf` files to TEXMF/tex/latex/datetime2-contrib/datetime2-serbian/ Then, you can compile the documentation yourself by executing lualatex datetime2-serbian.dtx makeindex -s datetime2-serbian.idx makeindex -s -o datetime2-serbian.gls datetime2-serbian.glo lualatex datetime2-serbian.dtx lualatex datetime2-serbian.dtx or just use the precompiled documentation shipped with the source files. In both cases, copy the files `datetime2-serbian.pdf` and `` to `TEXMF/doc/latex/datetime2-contrib/datetime2-serbian/`. This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See for the details of that license.