biblatex-trad ============= traditional bibliography styles with [`biblatex`]( Introduction ------------- The complete idea was inspired by a question at [tex.stackexchange]( [How to emulate the traditional BibTeX styles (plain, abbrv, unsrt, alpha) as closely as possible with biblatex?]( Installation ------------- The package is published via [CTAN]( and should be available via your favourite distribution. The development branch can be downloaded from github ( Bugs reports and feature requests can be directed to the project's [issue page]( There is a simple `Makefile` which allows you to install the current development branch via make localinstall Licence ------------- Copyright (c) 2012 -- 2015 Marco Daniel 2016 -- 2018 Moritz Wemheuer This package is released under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c (LPPL-1.3c) or later. See