.PS # OpAmpFilter.m4 cct_init command "{\small\sf" linewid = linewid*0.9 define(`SpecOpAmp',`$1: [ right_ lwtmp = linewid; linewid = 1*scale H: opamp "$2" at H.In1 below rjust "$3" at H.In2 below rjust "$4" at H.E below ljust "V${-}$" at H.E1 below line up_ dimen_/3 from H.E1 "4" rjust; dot(,,1) "$\hbox{V}_{\hbox{CC}}$" rjust at last [].w "V${+}$" at H.E2 above line down_ dimen_/3 from H.E2 "11" ljust; dot(,,1) "${-}\hbox{V}_{\hbox{CC}}$" ljust at last [].e linewid = lwtmp ifelse($1,U1,,`line left_ jog from H.In2 then down_ jog/2; zground ') "$1" at H.S below ljust In1: H.In1; In2: H.In2; Out: H.Out D: dot(at Out) V: circle diam 12bp__ "V" at Out+(dimen_/4,dimen_/3) "V$_{\hbox{\scriptsize $5}}$" at V.n above open_arrow(from V to D chop last circle.rad chop dotrad_) ] ') define(`zground',`ground(`$1',,S); "0" at Here+(dimen_/6,-dimen_/2)') cscale = 5/4 linewid = linewid*cscale jog = dimen_*0.3 vstep = dimen_*5/4 SpecOpAmp(U1,2,3,1,hp) R1: resistor(right_ elen_*3/4 from U1.Out); llabel(,"R1"); rlabel(,"1`\,'k") dot; line right_ jog SpecOpAmp(U2,5,6,7,bp) with .In1 at Here R2: resistor(right_ elen_*3/4 from U2.Out); llabel(,"R2"); rlabel(,"1`\,'k") dot; line right_ jog SpecOpAmp(U3,9,10,8,lp) with .In1 at Here SpecOpAmp(U4,13,12,14,n) with .Out at U3.Out+(0,-dimen_*3.05) line up vstep from U4.Out Rf: resistor(left_); rlabel(,"R$_{\hbox{f}}$"); llabel(,"1`\,'k") line to (U4.In1,Here)-(jog,0) then to U4.In1-(jog,0); dot line from U3.Out down_ vstep+5bp__ then left_ jog RL: resistor; rlabel(,"RL"); llabel(,"100") line to (U4.In1-(2*jog,0),Here) then to U4.In1-(2*jog,0); dot line from U1.Out to (U1.Out,Here); right_ R42: resistor(to U4.In1); llabel(,"R42"); rlabel(,"1`\,'k") line from U2.Out down_ vstep R41: resistor(left_ to (U1.In2-(jog,0),Here)) llabel(,"2.2`\,'k"); rlabel(,"R41") line to (Here,U1.In2); dot; { line to U1.In2 } line left_ jog; dot { resistor(down_ elen_); rlabel(,"R0" rjust "10`\,'k"); zground } R3: resistor(left_ dimen_); rlabel(,"R3","in"); llabel(,"1`\,'k") source(down_ elen_,AC); llabel("V$_{\hbox{\scriptsize in}\;}$"); zground line up_ vstep from U1.Out R5: resistor(left_ to (U1.In1-(jog,0),Here)); rlabel(,"R6\enskip 10`\,'k") dot line from U1.In1 left_ jog then to Here+(0,dimen_/2) resistor(right_ to (U3.Out,Here)); llabel(,"R5"); rlabel(,"1`\,'k") line to U3.Out; dot(at Here+(0,vstep)) capacitor(left_ to (U3.In1-(jog,0),Here)); rlabel(,"C2\enskip 100`\,'n") line to (Here,U3.In1) line from U2.Out up_ vstep capacitor(left_ to (U2.In1-(jog,0),Here)); rlabel(,"C1\enskip 100`\,'n") line to (Here,U2.In1) command "}%" .PE